Spiritual Introspection - Finding our birth right


We are not seperate from Nature. 

We are deeply connected to one source and to a web of life. 

In our ego state we perceive ourselves as seperate from eachother and the rest of life. 

Melting down this ego within that tears us apart from our mother, so we can move through worlds, connect to wisdom & to our ancestors - people who have walked on this planet before us. 

This is clearly the oldest spiritual practice in the world. 

This is our key to existence. Shamanism is a journey beyond religions and a path beyond organized spirituality. 

So do not tell yourself that your religion doesnt allow this truth to be seen, felt & heard. 

Is it you or religion which says this? Ask yourself the real reasons for keeping yourself in ignorance? Did you fall into the trap of regressive thinking and is refusing to get up from that fall? Maybe you worry too much about " what will people say"?

Ask yourself what controlling elements in your religion or within you supports dividing humanity and seperates you from Nature and other lives? Stand up and allow yourself to ask these important questions.
The idea of Religion itself is not the biggest problem. The way you choose to use certain concepts in your Religion is the problem. Every single religious texts, all wise teachers taught us about LOVE, but people choose to manipulate the actual teachings, make it into something that drills in fear and powerlessness. 

Remember: You have a choice. We have a choice. A Spiritually conscious life is our birth right.

We are all capable of going on pilgrimages inwards, to find our true calling, reconnect to our innate wisdom & strength. So we move from fear to strength and from pain to power.

Be Love. Be Kind. Always. 
Love from my heart to yours,
